Robert S. Kramarz
[email protected]
eVoice +1.949.225.3400 Extension 105
Mobile 760.607.7655


Robert Kramarz Pictures

Robert Kramarz has 30 years  experience in computer and software executive management. Participated in corporate exit as employee #1 of venture-funded Cordata, purchased by Daewoo Electronics -- one of the first IBM PC compatibles. Subsequently, CEO/co-founder of 1776, Inc. a system software company.

He has written 21 patents on behalf of other inventors and at least three have been granted. He wrote the original papers on software RAID and co-designed the first server mirroring software with automatic fail-over.

He is currently President of Intelliversity; The Leadership Academy for Entrepreneurs, led by investors. He was previously a member of Tech Coast Angels and investor in technology companies. Most recently co-founder of 22'nd Century Ventures.

His higher purpose is to accelerate scientific, technological and economic progress. His specialties are comprised of leadership training, advising early stage companies on funding strategy and venture capital due diligence.

He has a degree in psychology from UCSC. 2 years studying physics and environmental science at Cal Tech. He is the author of blog and "How to Hook an Angel" book.